The Kansas City Church

Reynolds Edward Dawkins was born June 14, 1911. He married at age 17; he moved to Memphis, Tennessee marrying Laverne Conder who was 15 years old. Laverne’s family attended a church in Memphis where Brother Clyde Dixon was holding services. Reynolds and Laverne began to attend services there and one evening, both of them gave their hearts to the Lord. Soon after, they received the Holy Ghost. A short time later, in the middle of the night, Brother Dawkins saw the room light up as in daytime in their apartment and an angel appeared to him. It said, “The Lord has ordained you to feed his sheep.” It repeated the words “The Lord has ordained you to feed his sheep.”
Brother Dawkins became known as a young preacher. He began holding meetings, wherever invited in Tennessee and Arkansas. While preaching one night, Carl Hendon gave his heart to the Lord and began traveling with Brother Dawkins. They held some wonderful meetings. When their car quit working, they walked from one meeting place to another. Bro Hendon in addition, married Bro Dawkins' sister, Hazel.
One of Sister Laverne’s relatives was a minister. He came by and invited Brother Dawkins to attend a camp meeting at Elco, Illinois with Brother William Sowders. Brother Dawkins' mother sold a cow and they were able to buy a car. Brother Dawkins, Brother Carl Hendon and his mother went to the campground meeting. Neither of them drank coffee but they were given the job of serving coffee to the ministers at the meeting. It was later commented that they noticed that the brethren who drank coffee seemed to have a better spirit than those who refused.
Soon, Brother Conder arrived at the meeting and told Brother Sowders that Reynolds was a preacher, so Bro Sowders called Brother Dawkins in to talk to him and told him he was needed in the services. Brother Dawkins heard a lot of things that he had never heard before and was touched by them, but at the time he felt they didn’t preach hell hard enough. After a few days, he went to Brother Sowders and told him he had to get back to Arkansas because, “there were a lot of people dying and going to hell while he was there in the meeting and he had to get back and get as many saved as he could.” Brother Sowders urged him to stay a little longer as they needed his help and when he got ready to leave he would be better equipped to preach. So Brother Dawkins stayed finding much comfort in working with Brother Sowders. He learned from Bro Sowders the many truths and even found out what hell really was in that meeting from him. Brother Dawkins was a true and faithful follower of Brother Sowders and his teachings from that point until his death. Many times over in his life, Bro Dawkins told his congregation that Bro. Sowders was his Pastor or Elder.
After holding revival meetings, Brother Dawkins received a letter from his father who had moved to Kansas City. He suggested that they come there because there were many churches and plenty of work available. Brother Dawkins’ young baby, Gordon, was very sick and he asked the Lord to heal him as a sign that he should move to Kansas City. The next morning, Gordon was up playing. So they packed up all that they could put in the car and moved. He found work quickly at Sears Roebuck and began visiting churches in the area.
Brother Dawkins became known as a young preacher. He began holding meetings, wherever invited in Tennessee and Arkansas. While preaching one night, Carl Hendon gave his heart to the Lord and began traveling with Brother Dawkins. They held some wonderful meetings. When their car quit working, they walked from one meeting place to another. Bro Hendon in addition, married Bro Dawkins' sister, Hazel.
One of Sister Laverne’s relatives was a minister. He came by and invited Brother Dawkins to attend a camp meeting at Elco, Illinois with Brother William Sowders. Brother Dawkins' mother sold a cow and they were able to buy a car. Brother Dawkins, Brother Carl Hendon and his mother went to the campground meeting. Neither of them drank coffee but they were given the job of serving coffee to the ministers at the meeting. It was later commented that they noticed that the brethren who drank coffee seemed to have a better spirit than those who refused.
Soon, Brother Conder arrived at the meeting and told Brother Sowders that Reynolds was a preacher, so Bro Sowders called Brother Dawkins in to talk to him and told him he was needed in the services. Brother Dawkins heard a lot of things that he had never heard before and was touched by them, but at the time he felt they didn’t preach hell hard enough. After a few days, he went to Brother Sowders and told him he had to get back to Arkansas because, “there were a lot of people dying and going to hell while he was there in the meeting and he had to get back and get as many saved as he could.” Brother Sowders urged him to stay a little longer as they needed his help and when he got ready to leave he would be better equipped to preach. So Brother Dawkins stayed finding much comfort in working with Brother Sowders. He learned from Bro Sowders the many truths and even found out what hell really was in that meeting from him. Brother Dawkins was a true and faithful follower of Brother Sowders and his teachings from that point until his death. Many times over in his life, Bro Dawkins told his congregation that Bro. Sowders was his Pastor or Elder.
After holding revival meetings, Brother Dawkins received a letter from his father who had moved to Kansas City. He suggested that they come there because there were many churches and plenty of work available. Brother Dawkins’ young baby, Gordon, was very sick and he asked the Lord to heal him as a sign that he should move to Kansas City. The next morning, Gordon was up playing. So they packed up all that they could put in the car and moved. He found work quickly at Sears Roebuck and began visiting churches in the area.

One church he attended was in the Armourdale District, at 903 Osage, in Kansas City, Kansas. The services were being held by Brother Jenkins. The people seemed impressed by Brother Dawkins’ testimony and were happy each time he came. One evening, Bro. Jenkins invited Brother & Sister Dawkins and Brother & Sister Hendon to have dinner with him.
At the table, Brother Jenkins told them he had begun to feel to go out into the ministry evangelistic field and he offered the church to Brother Dawkins. His first response was, he would pray about it. Sears had just offered him a full-time job and he considered that but then, he remembered how two years before, the Lord told him to quit his job and preach. He then decided that he would accept the pastorship of the church. 1932 was the beginning of Gospel Tabernacle, in Kansas City, Kansas. When they found a building at 11th St. and Scott Avenue so they moved there but part of the congregation began to want to join an organization and this did not work or would be accepted so, once again, they moved back to 903. Then, one of the members offered a plot of land for building a church in Crestline Gardens and they built there. Soon after, the man who owned the land decided to dictate how the church was to be operated and so again, they moved back to 903.
In 1934, Brother Dawkins decided that he needed more of the brotherhood to work with him more so he invited Brother Sowders to a meeting. That was the first of many General Gatherings called, “The School of the Prophets” held west of the Mississippi River. From 1934 and on, there was a general gathering held in Kansas City where Elder William Sowders attended as well. Many great and wonderful teachings came out of Kansas City by Bro William Sowders.
In 1938, they built a church on 13th St. in the Armourdale district. The congregation had grown and the services were good but the people in the neighborhood didn’t like all the noise and the fact that both white and black people attended the church. It became so troubled that Brother Dawkins found a church on Osage Avenue, close to Packard St. and purchased it. It was a long, narrow building and was referred to as “the cracker box church.” Not long after, the church purchased the property next door and began building a larger building. Once again, that building became too small so they built an even larger building at the corner of Packard & Osage and used the old one as a dining room.
In the late 30’s Brother Reva Mears had been invited to hold some meetings in Kansas City by Brother Dawkins and Brother Emmet Mullineaux, who was also now in Kansas City. Bro Dawkins was in Kansas City, Kansas and Bro Mullineaux was in Kansas City, Missouri. Brother Mears was a mighty teacher in the scriptures. During his visit, there was a sister holding services in the area, named Sister Hudson. She had a church and asked Bro Mears to come and take her assembly over. He began to have services in a building at 9th & Lydia in Kansas City, Missouri and then later built a tabernacle at 13th & Winchester. Brother Mears was in the Kansas City area until around 1947 and then moved to California. Brother Mullineaux had already moved to Wichita, Kansas a few years earlier. When Brother Mears left, he encouraged his congregation to join with Brother Dawkins. Bro Sowders had told them that Kansas City was not big enough for the three of them. He said,
"if two of you would move the Lord will bless all three of you." They did and yes the Lord bless all three of them!
At the table, Brother Jenkins told them he had begun to feel to go out into the ministry evangelistic field and he offered the church to Brother Dawkins. His first response was, he would pray about it. Sears had just offered him a full-time job and he considered that but then, he remembered how two years before, the Lord told him to quit his job and preach. He then decided that he would accept the pastorship of the church. 1932 was the beginning of Gospel Tabernacle, in Kansas City, Kansas. When they found a building at 11th St. and Scott Avenue so they moved there but part of the congregation began to want to join an organization and this did not work or would be accepted so, once again, they moved back to 903. Then, one of the members offered a plot of land for building a church in Crestline Gardens and they built there. Soon after, the man who owned the land decided to dictate how the church was to be operated and so again, they moved back to 903.
In 1934, Brother Dawkins decided that he needed more of the brotherhood to work with him more so he invited Brother Sowders to a meeting. That was the first of many General Gatherings called, “The School of the Prophets” held west of the Mississippi River. From 1934 and on, there was a general gathering held in Kansas City where Elder William Sowders attended as well. Many great and wonderful teachings came out of Kansas City by Bro William Sowders.
In 1938, they built a church on 13th St. in the Armourdale district. The congregation had grown and the services were good but the people in the neighborhood didn’t like all the noise and the fact that both white and black people attended the church. It became so troubled that Brother Dawkins found a church on Osage Avenue, close to Packard St. and purchased it. It was a long, narrow building and was referred to as “the cracker box church.” Not long after, the church purchased the property next door and began building a larger building. Once again, that building became too small so they built an even larger building at the corner of Packard & Osage and used the old one as a dining room.
In the late 30’s Brother Reva Mears had been invited to hold some meetings in Kansas City by Brother Dawkins and Brother Emmet Mullineaux, who was also now in Kansas City. Bro Dawkins was in Kansas City, Kansas and Bro Mullineaux was in Kansas City, Missouri. Brother Mears was a mighty teacher in the scriptures. During his visit, there was a sister holding services in the area, named Sister Hudson. She had a church and asked Bro Mears to come and take her assembly over. He began to have services in a building at 9th & Lydia in Kansas City, Missouri and then later built a tabernacle at 13th & Winchester. Brother Mears was in the Kansas City area until around 1947 and then moved to California. Brother Mullineaux had already moved to Wichita, Kansas a few years earlier. When Brother Mears left, he encouraged his congregation to join with Brother Dawkins. Bro Sowders had told them that Kansas City was not big enough for the three of them. He said,
"if two of you would move the Lord will bless all three of you." They did and yes the Lord bless all three of them!

In 1951, Kansas City, Kansas was a huge flood! This caused 65 families in our church to lose their homes. Brother Ed Slavens who had a church at 17th and Quivira in Kansas City, Kansas, offered his building for services on Sunday. It was much closer to the people who had scattered due to the flood. Brother Dawkins then found 9th & Lydia, in Kansas City, Missouri was available so they purchased it and moved in around September 16, 1951. It was while we were having services there that Elder Sowders passed away in November, 1952. Many of our church people attended the June, 1953 Camp-meeting where the Spirit of the Lord fell so heavily that there was only shouting all over the grounds for the first four days.
While there in that Camp meeting, the church in Kansas City, Kansas where some of the greatest Holy Ghost meetings were held by Brother Ora D. Hurley, came up for sale. Due to the flood and a fire on the grounds that followed, the property went on sale and Gospel Tabernacle bought it. The new church was completed in 1954 and in April, a General Gathering was held there at 934 Scott. The Body of Christ brethren attended from all over the country. Many officials from Kansas City, Kansas and a representative of former President Harry S. Truman came to thank the church for moving back to the Armourdale District of Kansas City, Kansas.The building at the time was able to hold over 1,100 people and the cost were $50,000. Most of the labor was donated and many of the supplies were donated.
In 1953, there began a push by a leader of the general body ministry to take Dale Carnegie courses, as well as the saints, as an effort to improve our order and appearances. Bro. Dawkins gave it two years, but never felt the Lord in it. So he stood one Sunday morning and said to the church of 500 members; "we are kicking Dale Carnegie out and letting the Holy Ghost back in." So in 1955, he stood against it and it almost destroyed the Kansas City church, which sadly divided the church families. It broke Bro. Dawkins' heart as many times he was heard saying from the pulpit; "I would rather die than to be separated from the brethren."
While there in that Camp meeting, the church in Kansas City, Kansas where some of the greatest Holy Ghost meetings were held by Brother Ora D. Hurley, came up for sale. Due to the flood and a fire on the grounds that followed, the property went on sale and Gospel Tabernacle bought it. The new church was completed in 1954 and in April, a General Gathering was held there at 934 Scott. The Body of Christ brethren attended from all over the country. Many officials from Kansas City, Kansas and a representative of former President Harry S. Truman came to thank the church for moving back to the Armourdale District of Kansas City, Kansas.The building at the time was able to hold over 1,100 people and the cost were $50,000. Most of the labor was donated and many of the supplies were donated.
In 1953, there began a push by a leader of the general body ministry to take Dale Carnegie courses, as well as the saints, as an effort to improve our order and appearances. Bro. Dawkins gave it two years, but never felt the Lord in it. So he stood one Sunday morning and said to the church of 500 members; "we are kicking Dale Carnegie out and letting the Holy Ghost back in." So in 1955, he stood against it and it almost destroyed the Kansas City church, which sadly divided the church families. It broke Bro. Dawkins' heart as many times he was heard saying from the pulpit; "I would rather die than to be separated from the brethren."

At one of the lowest points, he looked at the little flock that was left in a service and was grieved by the separation of many of them from their families. In that service he made his mind up that he was the problem and would just walk down the rail road tracks and never come back. He then turned and told Bro Milford Burns that he was in charge of the service and started to leave the building. When he touched the front door and audible voice spoke to him and said, "take courage and tell my people to take courage." He turned around and went back in the service to tell the people.
Bro Dawkins felt led of the Lord to move to Phoenix, Arizona in 1961 after all the troubles in Kansas City in hopes to take the focus off the Kansas City Church and it's members. At that time, Bro. Dawkins installed Brother Dorsey Gray as the Pastor in Kansas City. He was then followed by Brother James McKnight in 1963, as Bro Dawkins sent Bro Dorsey Grayto Jamaica to Pastor the church there. Bro Dawkins then unexpectedly passed away in 1965 due to sugar diabetes. Many encouraged him to see a doctor, but he would refuse and say, "if you are going to live by faith, then you have to be ready to die by faith." Before his death he established 8 men with different responsibilities for the work that had grew. Upon his death, he had 26 churches in the States under his ministry. He had established a presence and churches in Israel, Jamaica, Kenya and China. Unfortunately, in 1968 another shaking would happen between the ministry Bro Dawkins had established before his passing. Again, the church was shaken down and church families were hurt terribly again with another split. Bro James McKnight continued to pastor the church until 1972. The only church to survive the final shaking was the Gospel Tabernacle in Kansas City
Bro Dawkins felt led of the Lord to move to Phoenix, Arizona in 1961 after all the troubles in Kansas City in hopes to take the focus off the Kansas City Church and it's members. At that time, Bro. Dawkins installed Brother Dorsey Gray as the Pastor in Kansas City. He was then followed by Brother James McKnight in 1963, as Bro Dawkins sent Bro Dorsey Grayto Jamaica to Pastor the church there. Bro Dawkins then unexpectedly passed away in 1965 due to sugar diabetes. Many encouraged him to see a doctor, but he would refuse and say, "if you are going to live by faith, then you have to be ready to die by faith." Before his death he established 8 men with different responsibilities for the work that had grew. Upon his death, he had 26 churches in the States under his ministry. He had established a presence and churches in Israel, Jamaica, Kenya and China. Unfortunately, in 1968 another shaking would happen between the ministry Bro Dawkins had established before his passing. Again, the church was shaken down and church families were hurt terribly again with another split. Bro James McKnight continued to pastor the church until 1972. The only church to survive the final shaking was the Gospel Tabernacle in Kansas City

The church continued on at 934 Scott Ave. under the pastor-ship of Brother Orville Wallace who in 1973 felt led of the Lord to be among the brethren again that had left the former leader in 1965. The Church continues today to be among the brethren. The Lord dealt with Bro. Wallace in 1994 to have monthly K.C. Area Fellowship Meetings, which had splintered from the years of shaking in Kansas City in to 5 different churches. Those monthly KC Area Fellowship meetings continue today with 4 of the 5 churches. Bro Wallace passed away in 1998 and Brother Milford Burns became the Pastor. Bro Burns had been the Assistant Pastor to the church since 1977 with Bro Wallace. In 1999, Bro Burns was concerned with his increasing age and installed Brother Logan Henson as Pastor, who resigned as the Pastor in June 19, 2005. The 934 Scott building in its later years, became in continual need of repair. The area it was in had a very strong Hispanic presence. So a Hispanic church offered to buy the building when we had no for sale sign. Bro Wallace and Bro Burns always felt if the Lord wanted us to move, He would send the buyer. The 934 Scott Ave. building was sold on November 18, 2006. When it sold the congregation prayed for the direction they should look for a new building. The new owners of 934 Scott, were kind to allow the building to be shared for services with Gospel Tabernacle, until a new location could be found. On December 10, 2006 the Lord spoke to a minister in the church service as everyone was all praying for direction for the new building location in service. The Lord pointed out the "obvious" was in looking on the Southeast of the KC Metro. Later that same day, a saint in another congregation told Bro. and Sis Burns, where a building was for sale in the Southeast KC Metro area. On December 15, 2006, Bro. & Sis. Burns, with Bro. Brad Ratliff, walked in to that building in Belton, MO. Bro. Burns walked in the sanctuary looked up and said, "this is it." When Bro. Ratliff asked how he knew it was; Bro Burns replied, the 5 large beams running down the sanctuary represented the Five Fold Ministry. The building though was not for sale, but they found that local congregation was in serious financial trouble. After several more discussions and more miracles to tell, the building was purchased at 811 S. Cleveland Avenue in Belton, Missouri, by the Gospel Tabernacle congregation on December 29, 2006. On January 7, 2007 the Gospel Tabernacle congregation had its first service in their new building, and today still going strong for the the Lord!
Brother Brad Ratliff officially became the Pastor on December 31, 2006 after two years of Bro Burns asking him to Pastor the church. Bro. Burns had many ministers in the Body of Christ come in from across the Midwest, to lay hands on Bro. Brad Ratliff, ordaining him in to the ministry at the April, 21, 2007 Building Dedication Meeting. Bro. Ratliff and his wife, Sis. Amber Ratliff, today work to help God’s people wherever they can. Bro. Milford Burns was a great support and help until he passed in 2012. Sis. Avialee Burns was a big help in deed or music, until she passed on September 7, 2020. Sis Margie Wallace, wife of Bro. Orville Wallace, was able to live long enough be in the new building in Belton, MO for church services. She was very vocal in her excitement and approval to see the congregation in such a nice area and with a Pastor she loved, until she passed in May 2007.
Brother Brad Ratliff officially became the Pastor on December 31, 2006 after two years of Bro Burns asking him to Pastor the church. Bro. Burns had many ministers in the Body of Christ come in from across the Midwest, to lay hands on Bro. Brad Ratliff, ordaining him in to the ministry at the April, 21, 2007 Building Dedication Meeting. Bro. Ratliff and his wife, Sis. Amber Ratliff, today work to help God’s people wherever they can. Bro. Milford Burns was a great support and help until he passed in 2012. Sis. Avialee Burns was a big help in deed or music, until she passed on September 7, 2020. Sis Margie Wallace, wife of Bro. Orville Wallace, was able to live long enough be in the new building in Belton, MO for church services. She was very vocal in her excitement and approval to see the congregation in such a nice area and with a Pastor she loved, until she passed in May 2007.
Gospel Tabernacle in moving from K.C.Ks to Belton, Mo. has seen the congregation quadruple in size. by simply obeying the Lord. He has brought people from multiple backgrounds from within the Body of Christ, healing the past hurts and blending us all in to that true Body of Jesus Christ. This can only be done in the power of the Holy Ghost. God has brought many in from the world and religion, since they opened the doors in Belton, MO. By God’s grace, we are all striving for Restitution of all things!
Being Responsible to Give Honor Where it is Due.
In 1965 when Bro. R.E. Dawkins passed away and he was laid to rest in Phoenix, Arizona. The Church leaders at that time said, it was his desire to be buried in Phoenix. He had built a large campground in Phoenix that was thriving at the time and many thought the work there would continue to be strong. Unfortunately, after the shaking in 1968, the Phoenix Campground was closed and sold. There were not many members left in Phoenix to attend to things. Bro. Dawkins' grave marker was an enormous Omega made with concrete and covered in marble. There was a large brass gold menorah that had all 7 candlesticks lit and a time capsule that was buried there as well. The people loved him so much and wanted a grand marker for him to show their appreciation and love. However, thieves over time stole the menorah, marble plates and even the time capsule. The omega began to crumple and the grave area looked terrible for almost 40 years.
In 2014 Bro. Brad Ratliff begin to work on getting the whole thing cleaned up. He felt it was such a disrespect to the founder of our church, by his grave marker being an eye sore. Bro Dawkins' kids and grandchildren are mostly all in the Kansas City area and Bro Ratliff knew that it was a hurtful subject for the family. After almost 2 1/2 years of Bro. Ratliff struggling with the cemetery, and jumping through many legality fire hoops; it has been finally cleaned up with a nice and more modest marker is in place. Bro. Brad Ratliff wanted to make sure it was something respectful and easy to maintain that will be there for years to come. It is his hope to show others that the founder of our church was loved and respected as well as to show his family that we truly care about their father. Bro Ratliff has said often, it's a biblical standard that we take care of our natural responsibilities. He consulted with the Dawkins children on the new marker and the look of it that is there today. Bro. Ratliff wanted to give a BIG thank you to Sharry Dawkins, who was vital to this project in getting the paperwork he needed from the family and keeping them informed. Sharry and her husband, Jack Dawkins (R.E. Dawkins son), also aided in giving funds toward the project, to support the church in this endeavor in honoring their father. Together we all feel we have made good on our love and respect for those who have labored before us. Thank you Lord! |