Israel Ministry |
We believe that the Lord will fully restore again the Nation of Israel. Not just naturally, as God has already performed and in many ways completed; but to spiritually restore them as well! For the Lord's word has promised, that he will NOT forget the House of Jacob. We have been privileged by the Lord to see the natural Israel being restored in front of our very eyes. We have been privileged to see the Spirit of the Lord beginning to move among His first born.
We started in this vision from the days of Bro. William Sowders as a foundation doctrine and vision of the Body of Jesus Christ. He preached this vision very fervent! Many recall the anointing he had as he preached with a Jewish man on his back in 1935 in Shepherdsville, KY. He stated, "brethren if I have to, I'll carry the Jew myself!" The Restoration of Israel is an earmark of the Body of Jesus Christ. Bro. Bob Shelton was the first to work there in 1920 and lived there until 1938. Bro. RE Dawkins through a vision God gave him while being in Seattle, WA for a meeting, begin to work there in re-establishing the foundation of Restoration in Israel in 1960. We are still working there today building upon that foundation that was laid by great men before us as, Watchmen on the wall. We do not believe that we alone will restore them, but only the true Body of Christ, A Restored Church, will present the house of the Lord to the house of Jacob to become one. As we have proved and have shown all of these years, we want the Jew to know that we are their friends and fellow brethren. We stand with them on their right to their land given to them by God through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Lord’s plan in Israel is through love, peace and a vision of a Restored Church. We look forward to the day when the Lord shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. The day when we shall see Jew and Gentile, stand together before our maker and our Lord to worship him together! When the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, a seven fold light!
We started in this vision from the days of Bro. William Sowders as a foundation doctrine and vision of the Body of Jesus Christ. He preached this vision very fervent! Many recall the anointing he had as he preached with a Jewish man on his back in 1935 in Shepherdsville, KY. He stated, "brethren if I have to, I'll carry the Jew myself!" The Restoration of Israel is an earmark of the Body of Jesus Christ. Bro. Bob Shelton was the first to work there in 1920 and lived there until 1938. Bro. RE Dawkins through a vision God gave him while being in Seattle, WA for a meeting, begin to work there in re-establishing the foundation of Restoration in Israel in 1960. We are still working there today building upon that foundation that was laid by great men before us as, Watchmen on the wall. We do not believe that we alone will restore them, but only the true Body of Christ, A Restored Church, will present the house of the Lord to the house of Jacob to become one. As we have proved and have shown all of these years, we want the Jew to know that we are their friends and fellow brethren. We stand with them on their right to their land given to them by God through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Lord’s plan in Israel is through love, peace and a vision of a Restored Church. We look forward to the day when the Lord shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. The day when we shall see Jew and Gentile, stand together before our maker and our Lord to worship him together! When the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, a seven fold light!
Israel has always held a special place in the heart of not only Gospel Tabernacle but the Body of Christ since 1914. A New Beginning is happening in Israel. Pray for us as we see God moving and changing the season. We must not fail him!
Our little property in Jerusalem that God has gave us.
A few times together singing about the Lord in Jerusalem.
Our beloved Tova who will be 104 years old in April. She moved to Israel with her husband when she was 28 years old. Yes she came to Israel before it was a State. She is VERY dear to us. This is our Pastor and his wife, with her in November 2019.
These were in Jerusalem along with Sis Mary Nichols Oct. 21 to November 2, 2018.